Dreame root password calculator

This tool will convert the Serial number of your robot into the root password. Please input the serial number under the dustbin without any spaces or special characters

Copy the string here:

Technical background: If you dont trust this tool, you can convert the password yourself. Compute it under linux by this command: 'echo -n "P2009XXXXXXXXXXXXX" | md5sum | base64'. The expected result is: 'Y2QxNjA4YjdhNWU1Y2RlNGQ3ODkzZjY4Yzk1MTVkOTAgIC0K'

Terms of Service:
This service and the images are provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy. I take no responsibility for bricked devices.

Suggestions? -> dgiese[at]ccs.neu.edu
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