DustBuilder for Rockrobo S5

Rockrobo S50, S55, S5x, roborock.vacuum.s5, 'Gen2', NOT S5Max!

Hint: If you robot is not rooted yet, make sure that you do a full factory reset

<-- Back to device selection
Your Voucher:
[?]If you have none, just leave the default "roborock"

Your Email:
[?]Your email is used to send you the link to your firmware after the firmware was generated. You should receive an email in less than 30 minutes. If you prefer to stay anonymous or if you have problems with your spam filter, you can enter "anonymous" in this field. In this case some options might not be available.

Your SSH-Public key:
[?]this will be your authorized_keys file for user root. Must be the correct format [no ----- in file]
Some firmwares only accept RSA keys, so RSA keys are recommended. ECDSA keys might still work.

Let DustBuilder generate a SSH Keypair for you
[?]The dustbuilder will generate a keypair (in OpenSSH and Putty format) and save it in an encrypted ZIP file.
The password will send to you via Email.
Please download the file and store it safely, as it will be deleted after 3 days. This option is not available if you do not provide your email address.

Create diff between original and modified image
Resize Rootfs to 510MByte
Replace Xiaomi adbd with generic adbd (enables shell access via USB)
Do not preinstall any valetudo
Preinstall valetudo ver. 2024.06.2
Preinstall valetudo 0.6.1 (old version)
Preinstall valetudo RE ver. 0.10.7 (fork of original valetudo)
Preinstall Nano texteditor, curl, wget, htop, hexdump
Fixresets patch *new May 2020*

Build for manual installation (requires SSH to install)
Build update package (for installation via local OTA)

Select the version of the generated firmware:
S5 (ver 2034, 11/2020, stripped-Ubuntu) latest

Click here to confirm that you own the device model that uses this firmware.

By clicking on this button, you agree to the Terms of Service.

Terms of Service:
This service and the images are provided "AS IS", and you, its user, assume the entire risk as to its quality and accuracy. I take no responsibility for bricked devices. You agree that you only build firmwares for devices that you actually own.

Privacy Policy:
I do not care about privacy and will try to sell, rent, lease or give away all your information (name, address, email, your pets name, etc.) to any third party (but only if they pay enough). Also I will send you unsolicited email with cute dog puppy pictures.

Suggestions? -> dennis[at]dontvacuum.me
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